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  • Puberty (delayed or absent) x
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Taieb Ach Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Hela Marmouch Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Dorra Elguiche Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Asma Achour Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology and Radiology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Hajer Marzouk Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Hanene Sayadi Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Ines Khochtali Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Mondher Golli Departments of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology and Radiology, University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia

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Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a form of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in combination with a defect in sense of smell, due to abnormal migration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-producing neurons. We report a case of a 17-year-old Tunisian male who presented with eunuchoid body proportions, absence of facial, axillary and pubic hair, micropenis and surgically corrected cryptorchidism. Associated findings included anosmia. Karyotype was 46XY and hormonal measurement hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. MRI of the brain showed bilateral agenesis of the olfactory bulbs and 3.5 mm pituitary microadenoma. Hormonal assays showed no evidence of pituitary hypersecretion.

Learning points:

  • The main clinical characteristics of KS include hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia or hyposmia.

  • MRI, as a non-irradiating technique, should be the first radiological step for investigating the pituitary gland as well as abnormalities of the ethmoid, olfactory bulbs and tracts in KS.

  • KS may include anterior pituitary hypoplasia or an empty sella syndrome. The originality of our case is that a microadenoma also may be encountered in KS. Hormonal assessment indicated the microadenoma was non-functioning. This emphasizes the importance of visualizing the pituitary region in KS patients to assess for hypoplastic pituitary malformations or adenomas.

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Maria Mercedes Pineyro Clínica de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

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Daiana Arrestia Clínica de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

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Mariana Elhordoy Clínica de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

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Ramiro Lima Neurocirugía, Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay

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Saul Wajskopf Neurocirugía, Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay

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Raul Pisabarro Clínica de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

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Maria Pilar Serra Clínica de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

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Spontaneous reossification of the sellar floor after transsphenoidal surgery has been rarely reported. Strontium ranelate, a divalent strontium salt, has been shown to increase bone formation, increasing osteoblast activity. We describe an unusual case of a young patient with Cushing’s disease who was treated with strontium ranelate for low bone mass who experienced spontaneous sellar reossification after transsphenoidal surgery. A 21-year-old male presented with Cushing’s features. His past medical history included delayed puberty diagnosed at 16 years, treated with testosterone for 3 years without further work-up. He was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease initially treated with transsphenoidal surgery, which was not curative. The patient did not come to follow-up visits for more than 1 year. He was prescribed strontium ranelate 2 g orally once daily for low bone mass by an outside endocrinologist, which he received for more than 1 year. Two years after first surgery he was reevaluated and persisted with active Cushing’s disease. Magnetic resonance image revealed a left 4 mm hypointense mass, with sphenoid sinus occupation by a hyperintense material. At repeated transsphenoidal surgery, sellar bone had a very hard consistency; surgery was complicated and the patient died. Sellar reossification negatively impacted surgery outcomes in this patient. While this entity is possible after transsphenoidal surgery, it remains unclear whether strontium ranelate could have affected sellar ossification.

Learning points:

  • Delayed puberty can be a manifestation of Cushing’s syndrome. A complete history, physical examination and appropriate work-up should be performed before initiating any treatment.

  • Sellar reossification should always be taken into account when considering repeated transsphenoidal surgery. Detailed preoperative evaluation of bony structures by computed tomography ought to be performed in all cases of reoperation.

  • We speculate if strontium ranelate may have affected bone mineralization at the sellar floor. We strongly recommend that indications for prescribing this drug should be carefully followed.

Open access
Rossella Mazzilli Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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Michele Delfino Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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Jlenia Elia Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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Francesco Benedetti Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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Laura Alesi Genetics Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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Luciana Chessa Genetics Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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Fernando Mazzilli Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Via di Grottarossa 103500189, Rome, Italy

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We report the case of a 19-year-old boy, presenting several congenital malformations (facial dysmorphisms, cardiac and musculoskeletal abnormalities), mental retardation, recurrent respiratory infections during growth and delayed puberty. Although previously hospitalised in other medical centres, only psychological support had been recommended for this patient. In our department, genetic, biochemical/hormonal and ultrasound examinations were undertaken. The karyotype was 49,XXXXY, a rare aneuploidy with an incidence of 1/85 000–100 000, characterised by the presence of three extra X chromosomes in phenotypically male subjects. The hormonal/biochemical profile showed hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, insulin resistance and vitamin D deficiency. The patient was then treated with testosterone replacement therapy. After 12 months of treatment, we observed the normalisation of testosterone levels. There was also an increase in pubic hair growth, testicular volume and penis size, weight loss, homeostatic model assessment index reduction and the normalisation of vitamin D values. Moreover, the patient showed greater interaction with the social environment and context.

Learning points

  • In cases of plurimalformative syndrome, cognitive impairment, recurrent infections during growth and, primarily, delayed puberty, it is necessary to ascertain as soon as possible whether the patient is suffering from hypogonadism or metabolic disorders due to genetic causes. In our case, the diagnosis of hypogonadism, and then of 49,XXXXY syndrome, was unfortunately made only at the age of 19 years.

  • The testosterone replacement treatment, even though delayed, induced positive effects on: i) development of the reproductive system, ii) regulation of the metabolic profile and iii) interaction with the social environment and context.

  • However, earlier and timely hormonal replacement treatment could probably have improved the quality of life of this subject and his family.

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