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Pituitary tuberculoma is extremely rare and may pose as a diagnostic challenge especially when encountered as an isolated lesion without other systemic manifestation of tuberculosis. A 21-year-old female was admitted for diabetic ketoacidosis. On the third day of admission following the resolution of diabetic ketoacidosis she developed a sudden onset of headache and blurring of vision suggestive of pituitary apoplexy. An urgent MRI brain revealed a large sellar mass with erosion into the sphenoid sinus and intracranial vasculitis. Transphenoidal surgery was done for tumour debulking which allowed histopathological examination of the sellar mass. Immunohistochemical examination of the sellar mass was positive for Gene Xpert MTB/Rif suggesting a tuberculoma. Anti-tuberculous therapy was commenced with full recovery of pituitary hormonal profile seen 7 months post-treatment. In regions with a high incidence of tuberculosis, a tuberculoma should be a considered in a diagnostic evaluation of a sellar lesion.
Learning points
In an endemic area of tuberculosis, tuberculoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis when evaluating sellar lesions.
Pituitary tuberculoma can present with pituitary apoplexy-like symptoms.
Prompt diagnosis and treatment may lead to recovery of pituitary function.
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A 17-year-old lady presented with primary amenorrhoea, headache, nausea and lethargy. She had delayed pubertal development that also includes under-developed breast (Tanner Stage 2). Hormonal investigations showed a high serum prolactin level of 1 680 000 mIU/L (normal value: 45–375 mIU/L), with low oestradiol, progesterone, follicular-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Early morning cortisol level was 206 nmol/L (normal value: >450 nmol/L), thyroxine was 7.5 pmol/L (normal value: 9.0–24.0 pmol/L) with TSH 5.091 mIU/L (normal value: 0.4–4.5 mlU/L). A pituitary MRI showed a 2.7 (AP) × 3.7 (W) × 4.6 cm (CC) macroadenoma, with invasion into the left cavernous sinus and encasement of cavernous portion of the left internal carotid artery. MRI pelvis showed absent uterus, cervix and 2/3 upper vagina confirming Mullerian hypoplasia. Cytogenetics showed 46XX. These findings were suggestive of Mayer–Rokitansky–Kauser–Hauser (MRKH) syndrome with the presence of a pituitary macroprolactinoma and panhypopituitarism. She was treated with hydrocortisone, levothyroxine and cabergoline. Repeated MRI showed a reduction in tumour size by approximately 50%. This case illustrated a rare coexistence of these two conditions, being only the third reported case in the world. In addition, this would be the first case of a functioning pituitary adenoma in a patient with MRKH syndrome.
Learning points
Comprehensive hormonal and radiological investigations are important in the management of a young patient with primary amenorrhoea.
Coexistence pathology of two separate pathologies should be considered in patient presenting with primary amenorrhoea.
Early diagnosis of MRKH or any disorders of sex development should be treated early, providing pharmacological, surgical, psychological and emotional support to the patient and reducing risk of associated complications.
Abnormal pituitary hormones, particularly panhypopituitarism, would impose greater impact not only psychologically but also metabolically leading to cardiovascular, morbidity and mortality risks in this patient if not treated early.
A multidisciplinary approach is necessary for patients presenting with MRKH to ensure appropriate treatments and follow-up across the lifespan of the patient.
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Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is associated with menstrual irregularities, ovulatory dysfunction, hirsutism, insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome but is rarely associated with severe hyperandrogenaemia and virilisation resulting in male pattern baldness and clitoromegaly. Total serum testosterone greater than twice the upper limit of the reference range or free androgen index of over five-fold elevated suggests a diagnosis other than PCOS. We reported a case of a 15 years old obese girl presented with secondary amenorrhoea, virilising signs: frontal baldness, clitoromegaly and prominent signs of insulin resistance and marked acanthosis nigricans. Her total testosterone level was markedly elevated at 9.4 nmol/L (0.5–1.7 nmol/L) and MRI pelvis revealed a right ovarian mass with fat and cystic component and a left polycystic ovary. The patient underwent laparoscopic right ovarian cystectomy and histologically confirmed mature cystic teratoma. Post-operatively, her testosterone level declined but did not normalise, menses resumed but remained irregular. Her fasting insulin was elevated 85.2 mIU/L (3–25 mIU/L) and HOMA-IR was high at 13.1 (>2) with persistent acanthosis nigricans suggesting co-existing HAIR-AN syndrome, an extreme phenotype of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Learning points:
Rapid onset of hyperandrogenic symptoms, especially if associated with signs of virilisation must raise the suspicion of an androgen-secreting tumour.
Total serum testosterone greater than twofold the upper limit of the reference range or free androgen indices over fivefold suggest a diagnosis other than polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
High levels of testosterone with normal levels of the DHEA-S suggest an ovarian source.
Ovarian androgen-secreting tumour and HAIR-AN syndrome, an extreme spectrum of PCOS can co-exist.
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Pachydermoperiostosis is a very rare osteoarthrodermopathic disorder whose clinical and radiographic presentations may mimic those of acromegaly. In the evaluation of patients with acromegaloid appearances, pachydermoperiostosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis. In this article, we report a 17-year-old boy who presented with 2-year history of acral enlargement and facial appearance changes associated with joint pain and excessive sweating. He had been investigated extensively for acromegaly, and the final diagnosis was pachydermoperiostosis.
Learning points
There is a broad range of differential diagnosis for acromegaloid features such as acromegaly, pseudoacromegaly with severe insulin resistance, Marfan’s syndrome, McCune–Albright and a rare condition called pachydermoperiostosis.
Once a patient is suspected to have acromegaly, the first step is biochemical testing to confirm the clinical diagnosis, followed by radiologic testing to determine the cause of the excess growth hormone (GH) secretion. The cause is a somatotroph adenoma of the pituitary in over 95 percent of cases.
The first step is measurement of a serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). A normal serum IGF1 concentration is strong evidence that the patient does not have acromegaly.
If the serum IGF1 concentration is high (or equivocal), serum GH should be measured after oral glucose administration. Inadequate suppression of GH after a glucose load confirms the diagnosis of acromegaly.
Once the presence of excess GH secretion is confirmed, the next step is pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Atypical presentation warrants revision of the diagnosis. This patient presented with clubbing with no gigantism, which is expected in adolescent acromegalics as the growth spurt and epiphyseal plate closure have not taken place yet.
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Hypopituitarism is a rare presentation of Burkitt's lymphoma (BL). The purpose of this report is to present a case of BL presenting with panhypopituitarism and to review other case reports of lymphoma presenting with pituitary dysfunction to highlight the distinguishing features of these cases from other benign aetiologies of pituitary dysfunction such as non-functioning pituitary adenomas. We reviewed a total of 11 cases of lymphoma presenting with pituitary dysfunction published from 1998 to 2013 including the present case. The demographics, clinical presentations, laboratory features, radiological findings, histological diagnosis, treatment administered and outcomes were described. Of the total number of patients, 45.5% of the cases had diffuse large B-cell lymphoma while 27.3% had BL. Anterior pituitary dysfunction was more common than posterior pituitary dysfunction at presentation. The other common associated presenting symptoms were painful ophthalmoplegia, cranial nerve palsies and constitutional symptoms. Hypothalamic–pituitary abnormalities were often demonstrated radiologically to be associated with cavernous sinus and/or stalk involvement. All patients who completed immunochemotherapy responded haematologically. Pituitary dysfunction also improved in most cases although the recovery tended to be partial. In conclusion, a high index of suspicion of underlying malignancy, such as lymphoma, should be present in patients presenting with acute pituitary dysfunction associated with painful ophthalmoplegia, rapidly evolving neurological features, radiological features atypical of a pituitary adenoma and constitutional symptoms. An early diagnosis is essential as prompt initiation of definitive therapy will induce disease remission and recovery of pituitary dysfunction.
Learning points
Hypopituitarism may be the presenting symptom of lymphoma in the absence of associated overt symptoms or signs of a haematological malignancy resulting in delay in diagnosis and institution of treatment.
Pituitary dysfunction due to tumour infiltration has a greater tendency to involve the posterior pituitary and infundibulum resulting in diabetes insipidus and hyperprolactinaemia compared with a non-functioning pituitary adenoma.
The common associated symptoms of hypopituitarism due to lymphoma infiltration of the hypothalamic–pituitary system include painful ophthalmoplegia, cranial nerve palsies and constitutional symptoms.
Radiological abnormalities of the hypothalamic–pituitary region are usually present and often associated with cavernous sinus or stalk involvement.
With early institution of definitive treatment, both haematological response and improvement of pituitary dysfunction are expected although the reversal of hypopituitarism tends to be partial and delayed.
A high index of suspicion of underlying malignancy such as lymphoma should be present in patients presenting with acute pituitary dysfunction associated with painful ophthalmoplegia, radiological features atypical of pituitary adenomas and constitutional symptoms to enable early diagnosis and prompt initiation of definitive therapy.