Impact Factor Collection


Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports has received a Journal Impact FactorTM of 0.7, making it one of the leading case reports publications dedicated to endocrinology and metabolism.

Explore the following collection of the top-cited case reports. 


Myopathy secondary to empagliflozin therapy in type 2 diabetes
Frank Gao, Stephen Hall, and Leon A Bach

Mesenchymal stem cells derivatives as a novel and potential therapeutic approach to treat diabetic foot ulcers
Silvia M Becerra-Bayona, Víctor Alfonso Solarte-David, Claudia L Sossa, Ligia C Mateus, Martha Villamil, Jorge Pereira, and Martha L Arango-Rodríguez

Acute diabetic neuropathy following improved glycaemic control: a case series and review
N Siddique, R Durcan, S Smyth, T Kyaw Tun, S Sreenan, and J H McDermott

Subacute thyroiditis post-Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccination for COVID-19
Farooq Khan and Mary Jane Brassill

Diabetes insipidus secondary to nivolumab-induced neurohypophysitis and pituitary metastasis
Michele Fosci, Francesca Pigliaru, Antonio Stefano Salcuni, Massimo Ghiani, Maria Valeria Cherchi, Maria Antonietta Calia, Andrea Loviselli, and Fernanda Velluzzi